Saturday, March 19, 2011

Du'a when praised

Hamdulillah i've been subscribing to Sheikh Navaid Aziz's videos, where he will send you email on his latest video, the website is MySpritualFix. (it has almost come to its end so I have no idea how will it benefit you lol). But from here you can like his facebook insyAllah, where he has the list of the videos. So one of the videos that I personally find interesting and very helpful, is this one. Its only a couple of minutes, come on! Don't be lazy and watch, please.....

So here's the dua you say when someone praises you, because obviously people praise you for the goods they see in you but wallahi they have no idea bout the dirts and the sins we commited, so insyAllah say, 

اللهم لا تؤاخذني بما يقولون ،واجعلني خيرا مما يظنون, واغفر لي ما لا يعلمون 

"Oh Allah do not call me to account for what they say, make me better than they imagine, and forgive me for what they have no knowledge of."

I'd love to quote an Ustadz from Indonesia whom I favor a lot for his humbleness and endless inspiring words mashAllah, 'We're only praised and appreciated because Allah does not disclose of our secret sins, so do not feel respectable by being respected by others, instead we should feel ashamed of it.' wohh bad translation i guess.


tikapad said...

oit cne nk subsribe vid navaid aziz tuh??
isi je form dkat sini eh??

controlled chaos said...

for some reason, i instantly looked for a "like" button.

qistina said...

lol :D

Um Zakarya said...

Assalamu Aleykum sister,

I just came across your blog and I really like MashALLAH, full of useful reminders!
I am a french revert and I have also subscribe to "My spiritual fix", MashALLAH I love it!

I'll follow your blog from now inshALLAH!

Keep up the amazing dawah work MashALLAH!

Lot of love

qistina said...

wslm. ameen!

and verily all the goods are indeed from Allah :D

Unknown said...

Assalamualeikum! I love Sheik Navaid's videos, articles, sayings and such! The duah is such a beatiful duah of the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, and I love the quote you shared, ukthi! Beautiful and very, very true! I just found you blog, and alhamdulillah I'm following already! :)
