Friday, February 19, 2010

(i am lovely) make dua, its noble

I was informed that my friend just had a surgery. And it sounded like all went well. But I think a few duas from you people will make that friend happy. The angels may be happy too. Allah will be happy too. Friends making duas for another friend. Isn’t that just lovely? Ohhhhhh~

O Allah, Grant that friend a save recovery. And to be able to walk fast, and run like a wind.

Now let me hear your ‘ameens’!

My teacher told me, making duas for friends is such a noble thing to do. And it is more noble if the friend doesn’t know. So its like a Secret Dua. Haha. He said, Allah loves it, and the possibility of the dua being ‘granted’ is high. He forgot to tell me whats the percentage.

Whateverso, all happens if Allah wills it.

Now, make duas for your friends. (I am your friend)

1 comment:

muslimah93 said...

Ameen! And making dua for anyone/everyone is really good! =D Btw friend, remember meee in ur prayers tooo! I'm not only a frienddd,, but a sister in islam toooo! Haha. =P